

Nation or No Nation? Shakespeare’s Interrogation of English Identity through Exclusion of the Other   
by Loretta Johnson,

with a preface by Marcello Corrente, general editor






To celebrate Shakespeare’s death anniversary (23 April 1616 - 23 April 2016)
the publisher launches this new book as a tribute to his memory and genius










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Nations and individuals have been constructing and dissolving identities for millennia across all cultural endeavours such as art, architecture and drama.  Identity formation is most easily done by articulating, then excluding, the “barbarian” whether it is Moslem, female, black or refugee. These ideas are rich sites for dramatic commentary.

  Shakespeare’s keen observation of his society’s cultural and political fault-lines go to the heart of much of his work. This book is about the extent to which Shakespeare’s performative expressions of primitive and barbarian characters in Elizabethan England were metaphors for his interrogation of an emergent national identity. It asks whether there is a connection between excluding the barbarian, and nascent national awareness. It explores the question of whether societies define what they are, by declaring what they are not, and focuses on two themes that have not been discussed together in great detail till now, although each one has been the subject of long-standing academic debate: the theme of the “barbarian” and the growth of national identity prior to the eighteenth century.

   Ancient Greek and Roman models of the barbarian theme are explored as they emerge in classical drama. Cultural transmission of this barbarian theme through the Middle Ages (where it was pervasive in the visual arts in particular) and on to Shakespearean drama is central to understanding negative identity-formation through excluding the Other.  But there is no discrete line of influence from antiquity to Renaissance. Such a narrative ignores the numerous complexities in the history of textual transmission.  These ideas are reviewed in detail through two plays, Titus Andronicus and Othello, written at least a decade apart. These two performative representations of Goths and Moors draw on classical and medieval prejudices against the “barbarian” as a polluting and transgressive influence on so-called civilized society. 

  Shakespeare never delivered neat answers to political and moral dilemmas. While drawing on classical prejudices against the Other, his performative expressions of the theme neither confirm nor reject these old prejudices: his appropriation of the “barbarian” surfaces as ambiguous, often positive, portrayals of characters traditionally stigmatized as inferior by the Renaissance imagination. 

  If the exclusion of the barbarian Other was a constitutive method of national identity, it is at least arguable that in not portraying an unequivocally negative view of the barbarian Other, Shakespeare asks us to question the human cost of our assumptions that identity can be constructed by excluding Outsiders.


Bibliographical card

Nation or no nation? Shakespeare’s interrogation of English identity through exclusion of the other by Loretta Johnson, with a preface by Marcello Corrente. - Gorgonzola (MI): La quercia fiorita, c2016. – XII, 114 p. : 22 ill. ; 25 cm. - (Literary Studies and Intercultural Perspectives; 3)   



Formato libro: 25,6 (h) x 18,5 (l) x 1,4 (p)

Copertina a colori, semirigida, lucida con aletta e segnalibro


ISBN   978-88-940614-0-6 (Paper Book)

ISBN   979-12-80367-07-5  (eBook)

DOI     10.9791280367/075


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In prossima uscita

- I Cavalier poets. Un’inedita raccolta di composizioni poetiche scritte da B. Jonson,  T.  Carew, S. Godolphin, R. Herrick, R. Lovelace e J. Suckling; con testo a fronte, note esplicative e un saggio critico.

- La dama di maggio e i sonetti giovanili (Certaine Sonnets) di Philip Sidney. Questo libro offre un’edizione critica del primo dramma pastorale in prosa della letteratura inglese, che Sidney compose in omaggio alla regina Elisabetta, e la prima raccolta delle sue poesie pubblicate come “sundry new additions” insieme ad Astrophil and Stella nel 1591. Si tratta di trentadue componimenti composti in forma di sonetti, liriche, canzoni, etc.: non solo sonetti, dunque, come vorrebbe fare intendere il titolo, ma ben di più!

- Il lamento di una innamorata di William Shakespeare.

- Pamfilia al suo Amfilanto di Lady Mary Wroth, l’unica sonnet sequence d’amore del Rinascimento inglese scritta da una donna, pubblicata nel 1621 all’interno dell’opera maggiore della scrittrice, cioè Urania. I 48 sonetti che ne fanno parte contribuirono ad accrescere la sua fama di donna emancipata e controcorrente, poiché parlavano della storia d’amore di Pamfilia e del suo amante ramingo e avventuriero, a cui non voleva rinunciare. La pubblicazione di quest’opera e la sua immediata diffusione suscitarono un enorme scandalo, perché fu considerata (non senza qualche giustificazione) un roman à clef, cioè una storia che parlava di fatti veri, mantenendo una facciata di finzione letteraria.

- I poeti metafisici inglesi. Un’antologia letteraria  con i testi  delle più belle poesie della Scuola metafisica inglese scritte  da E. Benlowes, J. Cleveland, A. Cowley, R. Crashaw, J. Donne, G. Herbert, Herbert of Cherbury, H. King, A. Marvell, T. Traherne e H. Vaughan; con testo a fronte, note esplicative e un saggio critico.

- I quattro inni e il canto nuziale di Edmund Spenser. Questa pubblicazione propone per la prima volta in ambito italiano la traduzione dei quattro inni composti da Spenser in età matura sotto l’influenza del Neoplatonismo - ovvero An Hymne in Honour of Love, An Hymne in Honour of Beautie, An Hymne in Honour of Heavenly Love e An Hymne in Honour of Heavenly Beautie - e in più il Prothalamion, or a Spousal Verse, pubblicato nel 1596, tre anni prima della sua morte.


“Questa è la parte più bella di tutta la letteratura: scoprire che i tuoi desideri sono desideri universali,

e che non sei solo, né isolato da nessuno”, Francis Scott Fitzgerald


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