

Traversing the centuries.
A lively and entertaining student’s guide
to English and American Literature

From the Anglo-Saxon Period to Romanticism Vol. 1
 by Giuseppe Gorruso,

 with a preface by Marcello Corrente, general editor










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The principle which underlies the writing of this Guide - a collection of biographical outlines, summaries and critical comments on many novels, plays and poems of British and American writers - is the grounded manifest necessity of High school, College and first-years University students (when they approach English Literature for the first time or must proceed to textual interpretations or difficult decoding analyses) to have a basic essential knowledge of the English-language writers and the historical backgrounds in which they lived and worked. Frequently they also express the need to have theoretical frameworks, detailed forewords, wide and rich comments on literary works, which can highlight the contents and the forms that typify those texts as literary models inside the tradition to which they belong, or which (on the contrary) contribute to make them original and well-distinguished outcomes in the mainstream literary production of their age. This Guide, written in a clear and polished style, in an accessible and didactic language, offers for each writer: a suitable introduction, a biography card which underlines the steps that have dotted his (or her) life, the literary influences and the education received, the historical and cultural backgrounds, the stylistic peculiarities of his (or her) works, and the Fortleben. The choice and selection of the writers (presented chronologically by the author of the book) has not been guided, nor influenced by any personal preference, but it was driven by a twofold orientation: many of the chosen writers of the past centuries are generally considered indeed as the most representative of their time or literary season by the most recent and updated criticism; conversely, others (the modernists, post-modernists and contemporaries, both British and American) have been widely anthologized in the most adopted text-books as literary models for the present generation of students. These writers are certainly not “the only pebbles on the beach” but merely a significant though limiting representation of the plurality of voices, thoughts, ideas of their time, and of the literary, social and cultural trends which marked out significantly their historical age. The summaries and comments on the novels, plays and poems are always preceded by an introductory card that includes: the date of publication, the genre, the type of plot,  the setting, a brief outline of the characters involved in the stories, and (when possible) also the original sources of the text. In the closing section of each volume a fill in the blanks test with keys is also offered to the students by the author of this experienced and qualified handbook which, for the richness of its materials, for the completeness of its observations and the ease of its consultation, is to be regarded from a certain point of view as a text unique in the current publishing world.       




Bibliographical card


Traversing the centuries : A lively and entertaining guide to English and American literature : From the Anglo-Saxon period to Romanticism, Vol. 1 / Giuseppe Gorruso ; with a preface by and under the supervision of Marcello Corrente. - Gorgonzola (MI) : La quercia fiorita, c2014. - XX, 406 p. : 80 ill. ; 25 cm. - (Text-books. Literary paths and critical insights; 1)     


Formato libro: 25,6 (h) x 18,5 (l) x 4,0 (p)

Copertina a colori, semirigida, lucida con aletta


ISBN   978-88-901779-7-2 (Paper Book)

DOI     10.97888901779/72

ISBN   979-12-80367-08-2 (eBook)

DOI     10.9791280367/082




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In prossima uscita


- I Cavalier poets. Un’inedita raccolta di composizioni poetiche scritte da B. Jonson,  T.  Carew, S. Godolphin, R. Herrick, R. Lovelace e J. Suckling; con testo a fronte, note esplicative e un saggio critico.

- La dama di maggio e i sonetti giovanili (Certaine Sonnets) di Philip Sidney. Questo libro offre un’edizione critica del primo dramma pastorale in prosa della letteratura inglese, che Sidney compose in omaggio alla regina Elisabetta, e la prima raccolta delle sue poesie pubblicate come “sundry new additions” insieme ad Astrophil and Stella nel 1591. Si tratta di trentadue componimenti composti in forma di sonetti, liriche, canzoni, etc.: non solo sonetti, dunque, come vorrebbe fare intendere il titolo, ma ben di più!

- Il lamento di una innamorata di William Shakespeare.

- Pamfilia al suo Amfilanto di Lady Mary Wroth, l’unica sonnet sequence d’amore del Rinascimento inglese scritta da una donna, pubblicata nel 1621 all’interno dell’opera maggiore della scrittrice, cioè Urania. I 48 sonetti che ne fanno parte contribuirono ad accrescere la sua fama di donna emancipata e controcorrente, poiché parlavano della storia d’amore di Pamfilia e del suo amante ramingo e avventuriero, a cui non voleva rinunciare. La pubblicazione di quest’opera e la sua immediata diffusione suscitarono un enorme scandalo, perché fu considerata (non senza qualche giustificazione) un roman à clef, cioè una storia che parlava di fatti veri, mantenendo una facciata di finzione letteraria.

- I poeti metafisici inglesi. Un’antologia letteraria  con i testi  delle più belle poesie della Scuola metafisica inglese scritte  da E. Benlowes, J. Cleveland, A. Cowley, R. Crashaw, J. Donne, G. Herbert, Herbert of Cherbury, H. King, A. Marvell, T. Traherne e H. Vaughan; con testo a fronte, note esplicative e un saggio critico.

- I quattro inni e il canto nuziale di Edmund Spenser. Questa pubblicazione propone per la prima volta in ambito italiano la traduzione dei quattro inni composti da Spenser in età matura sotto l’influenza del Neoplatonismo - ovvero An Hymne in Honour of Love, An Hymne in Honour of Beautie, An Hymne in Honour of Heavenly Love e An Hymne in Honour of Heavenly Beautie - e in più il Prothalamion, or a Spousal Verse, pubblicato nel 1596, tre anni prima della sua morte.


“Questa è la parte più bella di tutta la letteratura: scoprire che i tuoi desideri sono desideri universali,

e che non sei solo, né isolato da nessuno”, Francis Scott Fitzgerald


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